Yes, we are the makers of the OTAN - Nato themed beer.

For sales inquiries - please email us at

Media inquiries, contact CEO Petteri Vänttinen,, Whatsapp / iMessage / call +358505638764

See the Twitter thread that started it all here for a little bit of
background information: Olaf Brewing Twitter account

You can freely use the product image below credited to Olaf Brewing.

A really long time ago… 

a fellow called Erik Axelsson Tott founded a castle in Savonia. The year was 1475 and the castle was named St. Olaf. Knightship, fighting and all sorts of skirmish were in fashion. People preferred beer over water (duh). Beers and ales of the castle’s own brewery were enjoyed all across eastern Finland with great thirst.

Cut to 2015. The legendary castle still stands on an island in the middle of Lake Saimaa. A group of jolly fellows visits the site. They too, like those before them, like they mugs filled with beer instead of water. They get inspired by the folklore of the castle, thus a modern brewery called Olaf is born. Once again, the beers of Savonia region are brewed. The rest – dare we say it – is history.
